Responsible Investing Compendium

September 1, 2024 — The following is a comprehensive list of Sage’s research pieces segmented by subject category, including environmental, social, governance, fixed income, ETFs, and retirement. It also features Sage responsible investing frameworks, Highlights & Holdings case studies, and news articles.

  • DATE: September 1, 2024
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ESG Solutions

Introducing: The Sage ESG Leaf Score

At Sage, we incorporate environmental, social, and governance (ESG) factors as a way to manage risks in a client’s portfolio. We believe sustainable businesses will . . .

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Responsible Investing

Sage Evaluates 11 GICS Sectors for Sustainability Risks and Opportunities

July 18, 2024 -- At Sage, we assess 1,500 corporate issuers quarterly using our Sage ESG Leaf Score® Methodology. This custom framework . . .

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ESG Solutions

Sage’s ESG Leaf Score Methodology

Although a company may be a leader among its peer group, the industry in which it operates may expose it to risks that cannot be mitigated through company management. By . . .

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